
Jan 26th Watergrasshill & Glenville Parish Assembly “Wednesday Club”

Under the supervision & direction of Ann O Regan, Condonstown and Phil O Reilly it resumed on Wednesday January 25 2012.

This fortnightly group meeting is targeted for older people in the Community that who live alone, but everyone is indeed welcome.

It is an informal get together for general conversation, prayer, bingo, light entertainment when possible and a raffle.

People commute by aid of a commune bus run by the Avondhu Blackwater Partnership

Watergrasshill United will support with the donation of gifts in the form of treats & raffle prizes on a regular basis and also with assistance on the day when required.

This will be coordinated by Paul Sharkey and if anyone would like to assist please contact Paul.

Breda O Riordan, Secretary of Watergrasshill & Glenville Parish Assembly has thanked Watergrasshill United for their supportive community gesture.

Pictures (permission granted for photos by members of the “Wednesday Club”) show some of our Community’s senior citizens that attend the “Wednesday Club” which is held fortnightly in Watergrasshill Community Hall

Wednesday Club

Wednesday Club

Filed under: Club News, Community