
Girls U-10’s & U-12’s JUNE Weekend Tournament

We will be entering several teams from our Under 10 & 12 squads,7 a side teams, (Squads of 10) in our own June Bank Holiday Soccer Tournament.

Date: Next Sunday June 02, 2013 Time: Starting at 2pm Venue: Watergrasshill National School Grounds Game duration for GIRLS: 10 mins per half

This tournament is opened to Boys (Under 7,8,9,10's) & Girls (Under 10 & 12) & relevant Watergrasshill United Boys coaches have already been in contact with squads parents' regarding tournament entry.

Relevant text message to follow for girls.

Euro 3.00 / each

Every entrant will receive a medal & goodie bag with an award for the "most sporting Club" also up for grabs.

Teas, coffees, & cakes available for parents/families....!! (Contributions at your discretion on the day)

GIRLS ACADEMY: Please let Paul know on 086 447 6760 if you can or cannot make it as we need to know exact numbers from teams etc.

Filed under: girls, report