
under 10’s trip to Kinsale

We are taking part in this weekends Kinsale blitz which is the good news,the bad news is we have to be there for 09.30!

So we will meet at the school at 08.15 and go as a group from there,make sure the lads have a packed lunch,plenty of drinks,and a packed lunch,but I would expect us to be finished up around lunch time.

We are due down there again on Sunday morning at the same time for semi-finals and finals,so it's another early start and again we should finish up at lunchtime and maybe bring home a cup or shield!

I appreciate the parents involvement in this as it's taking up an entire weekend and petrol/diesel is not cheap,so if people decide to share the dropping/collecting of kids it would be a good idea,also we will try to provide as many lifts as we can,teas,coffees,mobile food vans are on site.

Directions:between Belgooly and Kinsale there is a major junction where you will see a boat?????take a left and then the second right,it's sign posted for the Carlton Hotel and Charles Fort...there the directions I was given????

Thanks to Paul Sharkey for getting the club to fund this,if you want to fund a trip....meet in a pub

Filed under: Club News