
Youghal Golf Club was the location of Watergrasshill Uniteds 10th annual Golf Classic. Paul Sharkey pulled out all the stops again and organised a fantastic event in an amazing location. What a view! On what was a beautiful sunny day, the immaculate 18 hole course was enjoyed by all. Main sponsor MSC Mediterranean Shipping sponsored the 1st, 2nd, 3rd, NTP and longest drive prizes.

Watergrasshill United Golf Classic 2015 PRIZES
1st :Spalding Legend Deluxe Golf Bag Travel Covers
2nd : NIKE Hertigage III Golf Shoes
3rd : NIKE Sport II Shoe Bags
NEAREST TO PIN 16th Hole - SPOT PRIZE Sponsored by: MSC Mediterranean Shipping
LONGEST DRIVE 18th Hole - SPOT PRIZE Sponsored by: MSC Mediterranean Shipping
Prize Winners

1st: Ger Cahill, Robert Stephens, Denis Cronin - Team: Cork Women's and Schoolgirls Soccer League CWSSL with a score of 54

2nd: Jim Butler, Michael Morrissey, Paddy Kenrick - Team: DANONE with a score of 53

3rd: Peter Gregson, Peter Connolly, Kevin Delea - Team: Cork Schoolboys League CSL with a score of 51
Nearest to Pin: Jim Butler Team DANONE
Longest Drive: Eoin 'Sticky' Barry Team Watergrasshill GAA
Spot prize results to follow.
Special thanks to everyone at the Youghal Golf Club and to legend Paul Sharkey for organising another successful Golf Classic

Team Aramax - Paddy Connery, John Ring, William Bashford

MSC Team 1 - Jack O Leary, Austin Butler, Joe Barrett

Team Fir Tree - Alan, Aidan & Sir Michael...

Cork Youth League and Cork AUL Cork Youth League (L-R): Denis Lyne, Peadar O Leary Cork AUL: Tony Coughlan, Denis O Driscoll..

Team Watergrasshill GAA - Eoin Barry, Liam Shorten, Des Golden

Team Youghal Golf Club - Ken Lavan, George Treacy, Youghal Golf Club Captain Philip Crowe...

U13 Craig O'Reilly's Taxi Service

Team Watergrasshill United - Marcus, Willie Walsh, Niall Cotter...

MSC Team 2 - Gerry O Donoughue, Eoin Griffin, Pat 'Tiger' Grif...

Team EMC - Michael Duggan, Eoghan Knaap, Robert Knaap

Team Jenkinson Group - Derek O Kelly Lynch and the Walsh Brothers..!! Bandits..!!