Return to Training and Games
Some of our teams have decided to start pre-season training now the FAI has given the go ahead to do so. The new 2020/2021 season officially starts the last week of August.
Please make yourself and your sibling familiar with the second edition of the Safer Return to Training Protocol issued by the FAI that will apply to all clubs under its jurisdiction from June 29th.
The Safer Return to Training and Play Protocol is based on the latest Government guidelines and advice from the Department of Health and HSE as lockdown measures around COVID-19 ease. The FAI remains committed to the Government’s Roadmap for Reopening Society and Business and any return dates announced today are subject to change, as per Government guidelines
Under the new Safer Return to Play Protocol, the FAI has approved the following measures:
• Adult Amateur and Underage football can return to full contact training, including training games between teams from the same club, from June 29th
• Adult Amateur and Underage football can return to playing friendly games from July 11th
• All other Adult Amateur and Underage Leagues operating a Winter Season can commence their 2020/21 season from July 18th
A copy of the full "FAI SAFER RETURN TO TRAINING PROTOCOL can be found here:
Please read the following important sections and discuss this with your sibbling.

See the FAI webesite here for more information.