2023 Ross Centra Summer Camp
Registration - What You Need to Know

Monday July 3rd - Friday July 7th, 10AM - 2PM
Registration for our 2023 Summer Camp is now open! Registration can be completed via our online payment system. Here are a couple of things to note when registering:
- The cost of the camp is €90 for one child, €160 for two from the same household, €210 for three from the same household and €240 for four from the same household . Your online bill will be calculated accordingly
- All participants will receive a crested club training top valued at €30 and a €10 Ross Centra Voucher.
- Please make sure you have selected the correct top size and INITIALS . This cannot be changed or exchanged once registered
- There is an administration charge (similar to a booking fee) per transaction so if you are paying for multiple items its advisable to do this in one transaction.
- When you first register, you will need to register yourself as a parent/guardian and then you can add your child/children. This only needs to be done once.
- This years camp will be run by garda vetted, UEFA and FAI Qualified Coaches from CR-COACHING.
- If you experience any difficulties, please email info@watergrasshillunited.com as soon as possible and we will be in touch to help out

Instructions for registering online can be found here : Instructions to Register for Watergrasshill United Summer Camp 2018 (They are instructions from old camp but will give you overview on how to register)
Please note that if you have paid us online for membership or last years camp you already have an account set-up so all you need to do is select and pay for the Summer camp fee and answer questions related to this years camp.
For kids that could not make our camp or that are interested in another camp, CRCoaching is organizing another camp in Watergrasshill from 8-11 August. More info on https://coachinghubcork.com/