Cork City Women’s FC League Game

We attended Cork City Women’s FC League home game earlier today in Bishopstown v Wexford Youths (Result: 0-2), in the *Continental* Tyres *Womens* National *League* Many thanks to Cork Women’s FC for the invite & hospitality shown to us on arrival. Thanks to all who travelled, Brian Cronin for the drinks & Alan Leahy for more…
U12/U14 Girls attend Cork Womens FC Home Game this Sunday

Our older girls will attend Cork City Womens FC’s league home game v Wexford Youths this Sunday November 09 2014, leaving the school in Watergrasshill at 12.30pm. The game is been played in Cork City’s Stadium in Bishopstown (KO 2pm). No Cost for this event. Girls will follow out with Cork City …
U-12 Girls Player of the Game..

Grace Sharkey, pictured, was today’s player of the game at left full in our 3-5 home game v Leeside. This was Grace’s full U-12 home debut. Despite the result, all who witnessed this game saw great determination & team work in terrible weather conditions. Well done to our goalscorers Jessica O Leary (2) & Maggie more…

We have had to re-schedule our U-10 soccer blitz in Carrigaline this Sunday October 26th as many are away for the w/end, we’ll be in touch with a new date.
U-10 GIRLS BLITZ – This bank Holiday Sunday October 26..

Watergrasshill United U-10 GIRLS have a blitz in Carrigaline All Weather facility this Bank Holiday Sunday Oct 26, 5 – 7 pm. We need to know numbers so please can you let Paul know on 086 447 6760 if available or not so we can confirm our attendance. Relevant text message has been …
U-12 Girls league Fixture

U-12 Girls play Kinsale away this Sunday October 19. Leaving Watergrasshill National School at 09.15am. Relevant text message has been sent. Anyone that needs a lift please let Paul know on 086 447 6760