2019 Summer Camp Registration Details – All You Need To Know

Registration – What You Need to Know Monday July 1st – Friday July 5th, 10AM – 2PM Registration for our 2019 Summer Camp is now open! Registration can be completed via our new online payment system. Here are a couple of things to note when registering: The cost of the camp is €90 for one more…
Youths Reach Turners Cross!

Our U18 team reached the final of the Sean Williams Memorial Cup in Turners Cross next Thursday April 18th 7.30pm KO after a hard fought 2-1 win over Kinsale AFC in Madden Park earlier in horrible conditions! Having gone 1-0 down, the Hill battled back to level things up and after a brilliant penalty save more…
2019 Watergrasshill United Summer Camp

Our Annual Summer Camp will take place from Monday July 1st to Friday July 5th 2019. This years camp will again be sponsored by Ross’s Centra Watergrasshill. Registration will be open in June and spaces will be limited – more details to be released in the coming months. Watergrasshill United would like to sincerely thank more…
2018 CCFC Summer Camp at Skehanagh Park

Cork City FC will be holding a 3-Day Camp in Skehanagh Park Monday August 13th – Wednesday August 15th 10am-2pm. Open to boys and girls aged 8-14. Cost is €35. Register at Skehanagh Park this Thursday July 5th
Summer Camp 2018 : July 2nd – July 6th

Just a reminder of our Annual Summer Camp which takes place from July 2nd to July 6th 10am-2pm this year. Camp is open for 5-14 year olds (Born between 2004-2013) Price for 1 Child : €80 Price for 2 Children from Same Family : €150 Price for 3 or more from same family : €180 more…
CCFC Womens Team Visit to Watergrasshill!

Cork City FC’s Senior Women’s team will be joining us on Wednesday at 7pm at our Girls Training Session in the Watergrasshill Astro weather permitting. They will also be bringing the Continental Tyres FAI Senior Womens Cup along on the night! Open to all members to attend!
Watergrasshill Food Appeal 2017

We would just like to say a quick word of thanks to all of our players and members who contributed to the Watergrasshill Food Appeal 2017. Mick, Kerrie and Chris collected and delivered approximately €1,200 worth of perishable and non-perishable food and other useful bits and pieces such as phone credit and gas/electricity top ups! more…
Santa Visits U10 Training

Our U10 team had a very special visitor at their last training session before Christmas. Taking time out of his busy schedule, the big man himself dropped in to check up on the lads.