League and Governing Body: Cork Women's & Schoolgirls Soccer League : http://cwssl.ie/Under 13's (Players born 2009) | Dave Warren, Stan Carroll, Claire O'Leary |
Under 12's (Players born 2010) | Anne O'Connell, Brian Cronin, Nick O'Sullivan |
Under 11's (Players born 2011) | Joyce Healy, Ken Beechinor, Charlotte Cronin |
Training Time: Wednesdays 6.30-7.30pm, Watergrasshill Skehanagh Park or Watergrasshill National School Astro
2021 Summer Camp Details

Our summercamp has reached full capacity. Due to Covid restrictions we could only facilitate 9 pods of 15. Please email info@watergrasshillunited.com if you want to go on the standby list in case of cancellations. Cork City FC will organize another camp in Watergrasshill in August. Registration – What You Need to Know Monday July 12th more…
And we are back …

The FAI has today published an updated Safer Return to Training Protocol ahead of the return to training for players at Under-18 level and younger from next Monday, April 26. Please make sure all coaches, parents and players are aware of the updated protocols. The full protocol can be downloaded here. Please make yourself familiar more…
2017/2018 registration days

MEMBERSHIP FEES The membership fee for 2017/18 is €40 per academy player for date of birth 2007 and younger. The membership fee for 2017/18 is €50 per CSL, CYL, CWSSL player for date of birth 2006 and older. AUL fee is €100 If there are 2 members of the same family registering on CSL teams more…
Summer Camp: Thank You All!
A big thank you to Rob Knaap and all those involved in the organisation and running of the Annual Soccer Camp from July 3rd to July 7th. The week was a huge success with over 150 kids attending every day. A special mention also to our main sponsor for the event Mr Ken Ross of more…