Welcome to the Watergrasshill United Girls Page.

2021 Summer Camp Details

Our summercamp has reached full capacity. Due to Covid restrictions we could only facilitate 9 pods of 15. Please email info@watergrasshillunited.com if you want to go on the standby list in case of cancellations. Cork City FC will organize another camp in Watergrasshill in August. Registration – What You Need to Know Monday July 12th more…
And we are back …

The FAI has today published an updated Safer Return to Training Protocol ahead of the return to training for players at Under-18 level and younger from next Monday, April 26. Please make sure all coaches, parents and players are aware of the updated protocols. The full protocol can be downloaded here. Please make yourself familiar more…
Annual Awards Night Fri June 16th 8 PM Fir Tree Function Room

This years Watergrasshill United awards night will be held in the Fir Tree Function Room on Friday June 16th at 8PM. Top scorer, Player of the Year and Player’s Player of the year awards for all our CSL teams (U12, U13, U14 and U15) and our GIRLS (U12,14,16) teams will be presented on the night. Join us in more…
Watergrasshill United Girls Wanted

Great turnout again today at the academy girls training. If you know someone that would like to join our growing girls academy, contact Brian on 086-8489427 for more info. Our Watergrasshill United girls are recruiting new members for our u8, u10, u12, u14 and u16 teams. Our U8,10,12 academy is training on Wednesday Night from more…
Join us on the last day of the Cork City WFC Summer Camp

Join us tomorrow Wednesday June 27th on the last day of the Cork City WFC Summer camp at the Watergrasshill United Grounds. Boys & Girls Age 7-13 years, Time: 10.30 – 2.30pm….ONLY €10 for the day

Watergrasshill United are looking at the possibility of a Girl’s Academy for UNDER 8, 10, 12’s. The Club has had these age groups in the past & are eager to participate BUT WE NEED YOU HELP. We need coaches in order for this happen SO PLEASE if anyone is interested let us know, on email to info@watergrasshillunited.com more…
Girls Academy Meeting – Thu Jul 21

With the new season only around the corner. Watergrasshill United as a club needs to make a few decisions very soon about the Girls Academy. Our goal is to have two teams for next season an U14 team and an U16 team. To make this happen, we need the of help of parents, volunteers and more…