2019/2019 U6-U11 Academy Training Details

Our 7's born 2013/2014 return to training on Saturday 7th September from 2 to 3pm at Skehanagh Pitches. Boys and Girls born in 2013 and 2014 are very welcome! Contact Mick McCourt on 086-8283749 for further details.
Our U8s boys born 2012 will start training on Sat Aug 31st on the pitch from 2-3pm
Our U9s boys born 2011 will start training on Sat Aug 31st on the pitch from 1-2pm
Our U10s boys born 2010 have started already and have games every week. Text u10 coach Joe O’Keeffe on (085) 155 5863 for details and to be added to text list.
Our U11s boys born 2009 have started already and will train on Thursdays from 6.30-7.30pm
New players welcome. Registration is now open. See http://watergrasshillunited.com/2019/08/12/registration-2019-2020-all-you-need-to-know/