
Unique Coaching Opportunity – www.coerver.ie

We have the opportunity of attending a 2 hour coaching session tomorrow, Sunday February 17, at Carrigtwohill All Weather facility, 12 noon – 2pm. www.coerver.ie Any coach wishing to attend please liase with Derry/Paul. No charge. Another example of Watergrasshill United promoting & encouraging coaching within the Club. We already have several individuals/volunteers participating in the more…


Outdoor Training for Under 12 Girls

Pictured,some of our under 12’s, after an enjoyable outdoor training session earlier this evening at our facilities at Skehanagh. Training for our under 12’s will continue outdoors each Thursday evening 6-7pm. Our younger girls academy remain indoors in the Community Hall in Watergrasshill, 5-6pm. There was the usual great turn out from this group earlier more…



Girls Academy training switches to outdoors for our older Under 12 girls from this Thursday February 14th at our pitch at Skehanagh, time schedule as follows:- Older Girls aged from year 2004 & older: 6 – 7pm, Euro 2/each. Our younger girls training will remain indoors in the Community Hall Watergrasshill, time schedule remains unchanged more…


Why Watergrasshill United participate in Futsal competitions…

Futsal is the fastest growing sector in world soccer. It is the official UEFA & FIFA version of 5-a-side soccer. The name derives from the Spanish/Portugese phrases for indoor soccer, Futbol Sala and Futebol de Salao. We participate in these competitions because: It helps improve skill,composure,quick-thinking & rapid decision making. Players are more involved in more…


Girls Under 12 Player of Game

Kate Sharkey was our player of the game in today’s defeat at home v Ballinhassig in the league. Kate played in the right back position. Thanks to ALL, for your patience, as we rotate as best as possible our entire squad, due to the massive enthuaism weekly from our girls academy.


U9 & U8 teams enjoy friendly at Fermoy

On Saturday the 9th of February our U9 team took on the Fermoy U9’s at their Carrig Park in Fermoy. Since Fermoy U9’s had over 20 players, our U8 team was invited to play a U9 Fermoy team as well. It was the first time we had all 12 of our U9 team together. Fermoy more…



Continuing with Club policy,Marcus O Reilly & Paul Sharkey completed the FAI Kick Start II course this week, held in CIT, run by FAI coaches. Boths lads have enrolled & will now progress to complete the UEFA C coaching license run by the FAI later this month & finishes in April 2013. Coaching badges are more…


Girls Academy Under 10 – C.W.S.S.L. Training Session

The following under 10’s have been randomly selected to attend a very worth while indoor run CWSSL (Cork Women’s & Schoolgirls Soccer League) 2 hour training session this Friday, February 08, in the Sports Village on the Model Farm Road. No charge. Maggie Darragh Emma Doyle Sophie Condon Orla Kenneally Please be there for 6.45pm, more…