Squad - U10 Players
David Barry | Jake Biggs | Sean Callanan | Adam Casey | Jamie Corcoran | Jack Counihan | Liam Kelleher |
Oisin Crowley | Zach Curtin | Shane O Dowd | Ryan Deasy | Hiruth Dias | Conor Duggan | Alex Fitzgerald |
Denis Fitzgerald | Louie Guichard | Adam Kelleher | Cathal Kirwin | Evam McCrickin | Darragh O Farrell | Donnacha O Leary |
Evan O Mahony | Liam O Mahony | Dara O Neil | Gary Quirke | Jude Reilly | Adam Roche | Sam Morley |
Coaches: Mark Dennehy, John Fitzgerald
Training Time: Monday Evening 19:00-20:00, Watergrasshill NS Astro Friday Evening 19:00-20:00, Watergrasshill NS Astro
Latest U10 News:
Feb 4th – Underage Academy Under 7/8/9/10’s Blitz v Castlebridge Celtic in Castlelyons

Many thanks to Paul Donnellan of Castlebridge Celtic & Derry Desmond of Watergrasshill United for arranging this blitz for our Underage Academy today Saturday February 04th, 2012. Although unfortunately we had no opposition for our Under 7’s on the day, our numbers, interest & enthusasim continue to be very strong every week, so we played more…
Feb 4th – Underage Academy
Underage Academy BOYS ALL play away v Castlelyons later today. No training today for boys or girls Girls indoor blitz tomorrow in the tennis village Ballincollig Under 10 girls only Please contact Jackie/Ber for further details
Feb 3rd – Academy – Under 7,8,9 & 10’s Games This Saturday 4th February
Watergrasshill United Underage Academy (Under 10/9/8/7’s) travel for games v Castlelyons this Saturday February 04th,games schedule as follows: Under 7 & Under 8: Please be at Castlelyons soccer pitch for 2.45 pm.Games from 3-4pm.. Under 9 & Under 10: Please be at Castlelyons soccer pitch for 3.45pm.Games from 4-5pm.. NOTE: ALL WEATHER FACILITIES SO PLEASE more…
Jan 31st – Boys Academy – 2012 Small Sided Non Competitive Leagues

These league games will commence on the weekend of March 31 / April 1 and will continue to the end of May. Under 7: Born 2005 Under 8: Born 2004 Under 9: Born 2003 Under 10: Born 2002 Under 7/8/9 games will be 7 a side (panels of 10 per game) Under 10 games more…
Jan 20th – Underage Academy Training This Saturday Jan 21st

Underage Academy, Girls & Boys training this Saturday January 21st, 3-4pm, please don’t forget euro 2 per child
Jan 14th – Return Of Academy Training

Today our Academy returned to training. On a cold and bitter day fun was had by all, even the coaches. There was a large turnout for our Under 7’s. Training will continue every Saturday from 3 to 4. New members welcome. Individual Pictures below.
Jan 10th – Underage Academy Resume Training This Saturday Jan 14th

Underage Academy, Girls & Boys training back this Saturday January 14th, 3-4pm, please don’t forget euro 2 per child
Dec 11th – Underage Academy
Under 10/9/8/7’s training /games finished until New Year. Relevant text message will be sent in January with new start date/time etc. Thanks for all your support in 2011.