
Pitches & Training Area Upgrading

33 metric tonne of sand was delivered earlier this morning from Wexford, for spreading today, throughout our two main pitches & training areas to improve the playing surface and more importantly to ensure season playing longevity annually. We expect to have another load delivered in the next 2 weeks. Each year we loose 2-3 months more…



Just a reminder of our upcoming bag pack in Ryan’s SuperValu Glanmire on Fri & Sat August 16 & 17 next. Over 12’s only permitted to assist as this is now Ryan’s Supervalu Glanmire policy with bag packs, so all help greatly appreciated We’ll be in touch….!!!



Our online Club shop is temporary closed as we are upgrading the entire store. Once completed we’ll let ye know


Watergrasshill United Girls at the Cork Women’s FC Summer Camp


Kate, Sarah, Grace & Maggie who are attending the Cork Women’s FC Summer Camp this week, been held in Cope Montenotte


Girls Academy – NEW SEASON..

Details on when we’re back training, registration etc will be announed in the next 3 weeks, both on the website & via relevant text message


Skehanagh Park almost ready for the new Season

Work In Progress 039

Thanks to all those who turned up today working on improving our facilities at Skehanagh Park. The home dressing room is almost ready and the benches received a fresh coat from Pat and Frank, the painting of the containers finished thanks to PJ and Rob, Naoise and Dave gave the kitchen a second coat and more…


GIRLS ACADEMY – Cork Women’s FC Summer Camp

Cork Womens FC’s Summer Camp details as follows:- Dates: Monday-Thursday July 29 to August 01 2013 Time: 10am – 2pm daily Cost: Euro 50.00 Venue: Cope Foundation Montenotte Contact: Paul on 086/8225646 or check out www.corkwomensfc.com/camp


Coerver Coaching Continues..

Coerver Coaching revised age groups and times from this week on are: Thursday at Pitch U7/8 Boys/Girls 6pm to 7pm U9/10 Boys/Girls 7 pm to 8pm Cost per child €3 This is optional training & we will monitor numbers over the next 2 weeks as holidays will have an impact on attendances. …